Plant Library
Results 421 to 430 of 1107
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Choctaw Pecan
Carya illinoinensis 'Choctaw'

Plant Type:  tree
Height:  40 feet
Spread:  30 feet
Sunlight:  partial shade to full sun

This cultivar of the tasty pecan produces abundant quantities of delicious nuts for making pies and fresh eating; use as a shade...

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Devore Pecan
Carya illinoinensis 'Devore'

Plant Type:  tree
Height:  80 feet
Spread:  60 feet
Sunlight:  partial shade to full sun

This is a particularly hardy cultivar of the tasty pecan which features smaller, tastier nuts that ripen earlier than the...

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Montgomery Pecan
Carya illinoinensis 'Montgomery'

Plant Type:  tree
Height:  60 feet
Spread:  50 feet
Sunlight:  partial shade to full sun

This is a large cultivar of the tasty pecan which produces abundant quantities of delicious nuts for making pies and fresh...

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Riverside Pecan
Carya illinoinensis 'Riverside'

Plant Type:  tree
Height:  80 feet
Spread:  60 feet
Sunlight:  partial shade to full sun

This cultivar of the delicious pecan nut is somewhat hardier than the species and takes less time to reach fruit production...

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Chinese Chestnut
Castanea mollissima

Plant Type:  tree
Height:  50 feet
Spread:  40 feet
Sunlight:  full sun

A possible replacement for the American chestnut which has been devastated by blight, this low-branched shrubby tree produces...

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Golden Catalpa
Catalpa bignonioides 'Aurea'

Plant Type:  tree
Height:  40 feet
Spread:  40 feet
Sunlight:  partial shade to full sun

A most interesting medium sized shade tree featuring enormous golden leaves all season long, very showy white and purple flowers...

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Purple Catalpa
Catalpa x erubescens 'Purpurea'

Plant Type:  tree
Height:  50 feet
Spread:  50 feet
Sunlight:  partial shade to full sun

A medium sized shade tree with enormous leaves that are blackish-purple when young, maturing to dark green; very showy white...

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Celtis laevigata

Plant Type:  tree
Height:  80 feet
Spread:  80 feet
Sunlight:  full sun

One of the toughest of shade trees while maintaining an attractive and neat habit of growth; interesting warty bark, looks quite...

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White Redbud
Cercis canadensis 'Alba'

Plant Type:  tree
Height:  25 feet
Spread:  30 feet
Sunlight:  partial shade to full sun

A spectacular spring bloomer, with very showy white flowers held tightly on bare branches in early spring; somewhat coarse...

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Forest Pansy Redbud
Cercis canadensis 'Forest Pansy'

Plant Type:  tree
Height:  25 feet
Spread:  30 feet
Sunlight:  partial shade to full sun

A spectacular spring bloomer, with very showy pink to purple flowers held tightly on bare branches in early spring; coarse...